Smiley face Getting Started
Startup wizard
Add more services
Add more agendas
Online booking
Smiley face Schedule configuration
Schedule to receive appointments
Offer several appointments at the same time
Days with exceptional schedule
Offer appointments only on specific days
Smiley face Services Configuration
Service groups
Configuration of a service
Different prices depending on the day/hour
Independent schedule per service
Separate notifications per service
Types of services
Smiley face Agendas Configuration
Setting up an agenda
Schedule independent of an agenda
Add special hours for specific dates
Smiley face Online Booking
Online booking
Receive appointments from my Facebook page
Receive appointments from my Instagram page
«Reserve with Google» Button
Receive online reservations from GOOGLE
Offer availability every X amount of time
Change booking widget language
Separate booking links per service
Independent booking links by agenda
Integration code filtering services or calendars
I do not want users to register
Show available slots in group appointments
Customize reservation fields
Customize booking privacy policy
Add pixels or tracking codes
Smiley face Manage the calendar
Insert/edit/delete appointments
Calendar views
Quick insertion of appointments (widget type)
Appointment locator
Assign recurring appointments to a user
Block specific days or times
Change data order of appointments
Appointment zoom
Alerting to out-of-schedule appointments in the calendar
Smiley face Email and SMS notifications
Receive notifications and appointment reminders
Smiley face Holidays and blocking
Close days for all agendas
Close days of an agenda
Block specific days or times
Smiley face Customize sing and notifications
Custom signature and sender
Personalize email and SMS notifications
Customize the message depending on the service reserved
Smiley face Packages management
Create session vouchers for a user
Smiley face Customers list
Add and edit customers
Appointment history of a customer
Send notifications to a customer
Restrict e-mail, phone or domain
Allow appointments only from one domain
Customize the list fields
Attach files in the customer file and in tracking histories
Signed consent
Smiley face Billing
Collection management
Expense management
Cash management
Debt management
Smiley face Payment gateway
Integration with your bank (Redsys)
Paypal integration
Stripe integration
Smiley face Synchronize with other calendars
Synchronize your Bookitit reservations with your Google Calendar
Synchronize Bookitit with other calendars (Google Calendar, iCal, Outlook …)
Importing appointments from other calendars to Bookitit
Smiley face Appointment in advance and cancellation
Set up in advance in the booking
Smiley face Confirmation of appointments
Confirm appointments before filling the slot
Customer confirmation of attendance
Smiley face Reports and statistics
How to create a report
Create appointment report with user data
Smiley face Worker access permits
Create a profile with permissions and restrictions
Smiley face Validate online appointments
Send validation code for appointment
Smiley face Online reservations for members only
Online reservations for members only
Smiley face My account information
Change administrator data
Change contracting card