Configuring the schedule of your business is something essential when you have a scheduling software as Bookitit. However, not every business has a conventional schedule and it only offers appointments some specific days. In case that yours is this typo of business and only needs to odffer appointments for some days each year you will have to configure ir from the Bookitit Dashboard. This kind of configuration is very usefull for events that only take place in some specific dates.

Follow these steps to carry out the configuration:

Access to the Dashboard through your account with our online appointment booking software and make sure from Opening Hours that this embrace the schedule in which the service is going to take place.

After, go to My Calendars from the Bookitit Dashboard and select the calendar on which you want to configure the appointment offering in specific days. Go to the configuration of its independent schedule and make sure that its schedule is marked as online on the times in which the service is going to take place.

Next, go to “Edit calendar’s configuration” from the calendar’s actions. Press on “Offer several bookings at the same time”. This wpould be the conventional and regular scheudule. On this way, if you are not going to offer appointments on a constant way and you prefer to configure them so that these are offered only in specific days, mark on every field: 0. Yo can do it manually or writing on the “Default shifts” field de number 0 and, after, pressing on “Assign to all”. Press on Save and check that the changes has been saved correctly.
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In this same page go to “Assign exceptions”. It is going to be here were you are going to establish the days in which you want to offer appointments. Inside this new page, press on “Add exceptions”.

Help yourself with the calendar and establish a date in which you are going to offer appointments. Write next to it the subject if you want so.
Once you have establish a dat you will see a panel with a schedule in which you will be able to modify the shifts in the hours in which the centre remains open and the calendar is online.

In this way, now you can select the times in which you want to create appointments in this specific day and, besides, select the number of appointments that you are going to offer every hour.

For example, if it is an an event which takes place the 19th of november and it has a capacity of 130 people, we will select first the date in this day. After, in the panel we will go to the hour in which the event takes place and, instead of 0, we will write 130.
Press on Save and check that the changes have been done correctly. If you want to make sure that you have configure it as you wanted, access from the Bookitit Dashboard to Online Booking. Press on “View how my costumers book” and, from the widget, select the calendar you have just configured. In the moment of choosing the date and the time of the appointment you will only have the option of selecting the day and times which you have established.

Create as many exceptions as you want to from “Add exceptions” and you will see how all of them will organize in a lost inside this same page.
If you have any doubt with the configuration do not hesistate to contact us and ask for it.